Auto accidents, also known as a vehicular accident or motor vehicle accident takes place when a car crashes into something. That “something” may be another vehicle, a pedestrian, road debris or other stationary obstacle. These obstacles may be a tree, fence or even a building. The collision may cause severe damage to the car and/or driver and sometimes may also lead to death. An accident may result in physical, mental and emotional injuries. When injuries are suffered, there can be major costs for your medical treatment and work loss. A competent accident lawyer in the Bay Area can help you file a claim. It never hurts to have a pro help with the confusing system of laws that govern liability in car accidents.
Common Injuries
Some common injuries resulting from automobile accidents include whiplash, back injury, broken bones, concussion, and head injuries. The big problem is that some injuries aren’t obvious for hours after the accident. These injuries can include, neck pain, jaw pain, broken teeth, vision impairment or internal bleeding. Headaches, blurred vision, disorientation and memory loss are also common ailments resulting from an automobile accident that go undetected for hours. Additionally, some injuries result from the handling of the automobile by the parties involved in the accident, such as skidding. Some people who have been injured in automobile accidents have been unable to work because of their debilitating injuries.
Many people who have been injured in an auto accident want to press charges. While that might feel good, it won’t fix your injuries. If you are injured in an automobile accident, and it isn’t your fault, you may have a claim. The other person or responsible party might have to pay your bills. An experienced automobile accident lawyer can help you determine who is at fault for your injuries. If you don’t call a lawyer, you might get lucky and the other insurance may make you a small offer. You should seek legal counsel, because if nothing else you should protect your rights.
The Aftermath
People who have sustained serious injuries in an auto accident should not stand alone in their fight. The first instinct is to place blame. This is a simple way to say “assign liability”. The problem is that there are many different things that come into play. Unfortunately, determining who is at fault in an auto accident is extremely difficult. Even in cases where there are witnesses, it may not be crystal clear.
The Eyes Have It.
Witnesses can corroborate other’s statements about the events of an auto accident. They can also bear witness to the injuries sustained and other facts in an accident case. Facts like whether or not another driver caused a rear-end collision or if a dog ran into the street. Events and facts may exist that can make it nearly impossible to successfully determine who is at fault. A skilled Bay Area motor vehicle accident lawyer can help you determine who is at fault. They can also help get a reasonable and fair settlement for your injuries, regardless of who was responsible for the accident.
When someones negligence causes a person to suffer permanent injury or even death in an accident, lawsuits happen. When someone is killed in an auto accident it is often called a “wrongful death” lawsuit. No matter how the accident occurred, if a person is killed because of someone else’s carelessness it may be wrongful death. The family of that individual may be entitled to a wrongful death verdict. A top Bay Area personal injury lawyer can help you someone in your family is wrongfully killed due to another driver’s negligence. If you have suffered injuries from the fault of another driver, don’t stand alone in your effort to find out who is responsible. Contact a trusted and experienced Bay Area personal injury lawyer today so that he or she can give you justice and compensation.
It’s Getting Worse
As Bay Area Roads get busy again, more accidents will happen. There were more than three hundred thousand claims made in the year 2021, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Of those three hundred thousand claims, approximately one hundred and seventy-five were classified as auto accident cases. This means that almost one percent of all automobile accidents in the United States in 2021 were caused by negligence. An auto accident lawyer is your best line of defense against negligent driving.